
The Time of the Head Master Willhelm Goller


Many Changes and significant improvements have taken place through the years 1995-2004. They have affected almost every field related to our school, and community.
No one cal deny the fact that Talitha Kumi has grown and developed remarkably since the appiontment of its present - Principal Mr. Wilhelm Goller in 1995 who has proved to be an experienced educator and good planner.
Despite of the negative effects of the first intifada, the great difficulties and continual challenges, the deterioration of the political and economic situation under occupation, many changes and significant improvments have taken place since his arrival.
Here are some of the school developments and improvments:
Educational Improvements:
1-      Introducing new internal school system in the administration and educational process.
2-      Organizing regular courses for all the members of the teaching staff so as to upgrade their academic standard and become highly-qualified teachers.
3-      Giving the students the opportunity to participate in a lot of extra curriculum activities and involving them in different educational trips.
4-      Organizing different courses for the students such as arts and music in addition to intensive courses for the weak students.
5-      The rate of success in the Tawjihi exams has risen to nearly 100%
6-      Giving more concentration on the students behavior so as to have more control discipline during the educational process.  
1.       Establishing the first scout troop of Talitha Kumi .
2.       Building the Scout House.
Guest House:
1.       Guest house renovation.
2.       A new building has been annexed to the Guest House.
3.       Repairing the roof of the Guest House.
1.       Renewing the floor of the elementary class rooms.
2.       Adding a new rooms to the Elementary Section
3.       Changing the furniture for all classes.
4.       Preparing now to renew the main school building and the church.
Boarding Section:
1.      Renovating the boarding section.
2.       Group Mothers' Project.
1.       Dining room.
2.       Adding the teaching kitchen.
3.       Supplying the kitchen with modern equipment.
Other Projects:
1.       Forest project.
2.       Building the new kindergarten which will be used for the first time next scholastic year.
3.       Opening the first environmental center In Palestine
4.       The playground project.
5.       Internal garden Project.
6.       Domestic water system.
7.   Heating project.
8.   Hot water project.
9.   Electricity Project.
10.   Farm Project.
11.   Building a water filtering station at school.
Computer & Technology:
1.       Making the first web site for a school in Palestine in 1997
2.       Adding another computer lab with very modern computers.
3.       Making an internal school network, and internet room.
4.       Adding computers to the library.
5.       Making the first film about Talitha Kumi in the year 2000.

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