Talitha Kumi Community College

Reality and Future Vision for Vocational Development

The educational philosophy and the future vision of Talitha Kumi Institution aim at the adequate preparation of the Palestinian generations who are capable of serving and developing their society. Accordingly, the development of vocational education has been one of the core strategic aims which Talitha has been trying to accomplish for decades.

To pursue higher education after the Tawjihi certificate has been a source of worry and concern for Palestinian parents and children as well. Everybody attempt to get appropriate education to earn living so as to avoid unemployment or immigration. In late seventies and early eighties of the twentieth century, the administration of Talitha Kumi summoned delegations of German experts who studied and analyzed the educational and economic situation in Palestine, particularly in Bethlehem district. These delegations established the general framework of vocational development for Talitha Kumi. They recommended focusing on tourism as a new field to implement at school, and at the future college. To facilitate the realization of this aim, a guest-house and an educational kitchen were built.

In mid-nineties, and with the cooperation of the Palestinian Ministry of Labor and the German" Otto Benecke Foundation", Talitha Kumi offered a one-year course in "Front Office and Food & Beverage Production & Service" This programme lasted for 5 successive years during which integration of theoretical and practical education was well organized and implemented. Most students were able to find jobs during their training phase due to their excellent performance and to the fairly flourished tourism industry at that time.

To expand such programmes and to have direct contact with the general framework of vocational education, a license of a community college was granted by the Ministry of Higher Education in year 2000.

Unfortunately, the opening of Talitha Kumi Community College coincided with the retrogression of the whole political and economic situation mainly in tourism. Henceforth, the number of students who joined the programme didn't reach our expectations. Despite all the obstacles, the first two groups of graduates sat for the comprehensive exams held by the Ministry of Higher Education and got their Diploma in "Food and Beverage Production & Service"

The school and the college programmes are expected to meet the needs of the new educational Palestinian philosophy which is going to shift from 'Science" or "Arts" streaming to "Academic" or "Vocational" streaming. The school is planning to implement two options within the vocational stream; "Administration & Economics" and "Tourism" in grades 11 and 12.The principal of the institution, Mr. W.  Goller and the dean of the college, Mr. M Younan, are working on new Diploma programmes for the community college such as:

1- General Administration for governmental offices and organizations

2- Office Technology for private organizations

3- Hotel Administration

Consequently, integration and harmony will be accomplished between vocational education in the school and the college. We hope that these programmes will best serve our students at Talitha Kumi and other local schools to prepare experts who are ready to start work in the field of  " Tourism "and "Administration". We also hope that peace will prevail to help us build and serve our country in all possible educational means.


Nidal Barham

Principal's assistant for vocational development

Dean's assistant